Saturday, March 12, 2011

The First of Many, I'm Sure

The other day I was driving Bella to one of her classmate's birthday parties. All I was going to do was walk her to the door, discuss with the mom a rendezvous time, and be on my merry way. The drive was pretty quiet until Bella broke the silence with a question she asked through clenched teeth. "Moooommmmm...why are you wearing those ripped jeans to the party?" I could tell by the way she said it she'd been thinking about it for a while.

Hello! Has the girl not been following the trends? Tattered denim is totally in right now. But with my flip-flops and no makeup, I guess I was looking pretty scrappy.

"Bella, I am just going to walk you to the door and ask Katie's mom what time to pick you up. No one else is even going to see me." That is, unless Stacy and Clinton from TLC's What Not to Wear were hiding in the bushes, waiting to sabotage me for dressing like a ragamuffin in public, and if so, HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE?

She didn't say much after that. I was a little surprised at her shame in my outfit, considering she dresses like a total gypsy. This is the first time she's been embarrassed by me and I found it to be both funny and sad. As I drove away I realized I'd just experienced a rite of passage as a mother.


  1. I think you are both extra-beautiful ladies. Even if one of you looks like a gypsy and the other a rag-a-muffin. :) Your pictures make me just want to hug you. :)

  2. I now ask Raegen if my outfit is ok. You look good.

  3. You're right...Bella does sort of dress like a gypsy (love that girl). One time I was at Target and Payton "picked out" a pair of shoes for me. I thought it was so sweet until he asked if I could change my shoes right then and there because the other ones were "embarrassing". -Jen


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.