Sunday, October 21, 2007

Can't you read a map?!

Dale and I have all sorts of little inside jokes. I even consider it our own secret language. Our most recent one came about a few weeks ago while on a bike ride. We had a map and were trying to find the eastern part of our favorite place to ride, the Chehalis Western Trail.

Let's face it. Some people can't find their way out of a cardboard box and some are navigation-savvy, I am the latter. I just am. I think I would make a great contestant on The Amazing Race for that reason alone. So as we are, well, discussing which direction we need to head, in a sudden emotional outburst I snatched the map from his hands and yelled "Don't you know how to read a map?!"

You can see where this is going. I was the one who was wrong. For the rest of the ride that day, I quietly ate my very large piece of humble pie.

So whenever the situation arises where one needs to apologize to the other, instead of saying "I am sorry honey, I was wrong" (not really our style) we just give the other a ", don't you know how to read a map?"


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Courts, you seem to be forgetting that it was my exceptional navigational skills that reunited us back up with the group on Burano. I think your mom is STILL mad.

  3. Hey I didn't mean to block your comment Courts- Got everyone curious now.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.