Monday, May 3, 2010

Siblings Road Trip, Oh-Ten!

So yeah, my older sister Jenn and my younger brother Eric have been training for a half marathon for the past several months and always in the back of my mind, I'd think, have a good time with that. I did a half last summer, and let's just say it was the longest 13 miles of my life and I vowed I'd never put myself through that again. This event was to be held down in Reno, and several of our "Tahoe Friends" would be joining them.

On Wednesday I got a wild idea, and I called my sister at work to see if she minded if I joined them for the weekend. I would ride with them down to Nevada, see our friends, and be the official half-marathon photographer. Within a matter of minutes and a few phone calls later, it was a done deal.

Friday afternoon, my sister, her husband, and my brother picked me up and we headed down I-5. To say the least, my sister and brother are some of my favorite people on the planet. They are SO funny, I spent the majority of the trip in the back seat of my brother-in-law's truck laughing so hard I was almost peeing my pants. Whenever people tell me they think I am funny, I always think you should meet my siblings. Besides being funny, us "Johnson kids" all share the ability to read while riding in the car. We each were able to read an entire book, and my sister finished off two. This was my view for much of the trip:

We spent the night in Susanville, CA. I didn't fall into a deep sleep, as my brain was on high alert to not allow my body to forget who I was sleeping next to and accidentally cuddle with my brother. Here we are the next morning, leaving the hotel in search for the nearest Starbucks. Clearly I am incapable of applying makeup without caffeine on board.

We arrived in Reno a short time later and met our friends for breakfast. While we were eating, someone got the bright idea to mention I should register to run with them. I think I had mentioned that I had brought along my running shoes, (not with the intention of actually running, though). Once it was brought up, everyone joined in and finally, I said what the heck? Why not?

We headed downtown to the Eldorado Casino where I registered, and we picked up our race packets. Here we are at the marathon trade show, were we sampled the latest in protein bars and energy drinks.

The next morning we awoke at 4:30 (still didn't sleep well), left the house by 5:45, and here we all are at the starting line. I ended up running in what I had intended to be my pajamas.

Rachel and I stuck together since we had trained the least. Rachel had trained some, while I haven't actually ran in like...I don't even know the last time I ran, to be honest. I always work out, but running is my least favorite form of exercise so I never do it. During the race we ran some, walked some, ran some, etc. I am proud to say I beat my time from last year! Here we are crossing the finish line.

My sister, brother, and me. Yes, that IS a Shelton High School Highclimber's track jersey my brother is wearing.

My brother

We went to lunch afterwards. Rachel and I split off from the group and she took me to her favorite sushi restaurant. Sushi and all-you-can-eat are some of the best words in existence, if you ask me, and I ate myself into raw fish oblivion. It was some of the best I have ever had. Sushi in the desert? Sure.

While we originally weren't going to drive home until Monday morning, we ended up leaving that same day after lunch. Lemme just say riding couped up in the backseat of a truck for 13 hours after pounding the pavement for 13 miles is just plain inhumane. Here are a few pics from the road.


We were so uncomfortable. Whenever we stopped for ice cream, corn nuts, and pop, we would groan and creak and waddle our way into the gas station, wincing and arguing over who was in the most pain. Eric was all "Man, I am going to need to use a Rover 'Round tomorrow if I go to the grocery store."

They dropped me off at 1:00 this morning. Glad I didn't have to work today. I am walking pretty stiff-legged.


  1. That is just crazy. But I'm kind of jealous. You know, someone in my family (I won't say who) ended up in the hospital after a last min. "I'm going to join you for the half marathon" idea. She did finish though, which is all that matters in my opinion...and it's a funny story that we like to tell over and over again. Almost anything is worth it for some good memories. :)
    Glad you had fun!

  2. Just when I think you can't get any cooler, YOU DO!

    Love the Shelton jersey. Very nice touch!

  3. I'm so glad you came down, what an awesome surprise and i love surprises! I had lots of fun and that was a great day even if it was short!

  4. Way to go Jess! I'm so happy that you did it. Can't wait for mine in June!

  5. you guys are amazing! great job!! :)

  6. I think you are very funny too, Jess! I'm SO glad you came with us and ended up running in the half. It was fun to have a sibling excursion. We don't get the chancde to do that very often. I keep laughing thinking about our rover 'round in the grocery store conversation. :) Love ya!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.