Saturday, June 19, 2010

June Birthday Cakes

With Dale's intensive mountain climbing the past several months, he's lost a ton of weight. Like 20 pounds on his already slim frame. I have been thinking he's been looking almost too skinny. I joke with him that he's starting to look prepubescent. He says he won't stop loosing weight until you can count all of his vertebrae...from the front.

I tell him that I am secretly sabotaging him behind his back. I'll bring him home a great big mocha from Starbucks, then after it's gone I'll ask how the extra whipped cream tasted. I'm all "It didn't clog up the little sippy hole, did it? Mua-haha..."

I added extra butter to the frosting on his birthday cake this year.

While we're on the subject of his cake, I had a hard time deciding what to make for him. Bella and I were in the kitchen, and I was throwing out some ideas to her, which all were complicated. "Mommmmmmmm....", she said, rolling her eyes and pointing out the obvious. "Why don't you just make him a Mt. Rainier cake?"

It was genius! Why hadn't I thought of that?

So a Mt. Rainier cake the kids and I made, the night before meeting dad up on the mountain. I woke up the next day and to my horror realized that the gray/black food coloring had faded to varying shades of blue. When I pointed it out to Dale, he was all, "No honey, when you're up there, the glaciers really are blue!"

For Bella's birthday cake she wanted a tooth. With her recent baby teeth loosing events, coupled with a mom who is a "dentist", I guess this is her new favorite thing. So a tooth it was! And as everyone's two roots and four cusps makes it a mandibular second molar.

Bella at her party with Uncle Eric (my handsome little brother!)


  1. You make me laugh! Thanks for that.

    You are such a talented person.

    Bella is truly a beauty!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.