Sunday, January 2, 2011

Frosty Outside...Frosty Inside

With lots of concern on my Facebook page, I thought I'd share the full story how our furnace picked a fine time to leave us.

We woke up Jan 1st to 2011 and an awfully chilly house. Dale checked the thermostat, bumped up the heat, and went about making coffee and breakfast.

But the heat never came on.

So, being Mr. Handyman Troubleshooter, he tore into it. The motor, he found, had taken a poop. Great timing, considering we are in the middle of a COLD SNAP!! And there is frost on the ground that has no intentions of going away any time soon. In fact, it may even snow later this week!

Yesterday, we drove all over Olympia from one industrial parts store to another. This, we soon discovered, was a tall order. Finding a store that was A) open on a holiday, and B) carried precisely what we needed...needless to say we returned empty handed to a very cold home.

But don't worry about the Ackleys! Dale ordered said part online and by Wednesday our house should warm with the cozy hum of a working furnace. In the mean time, in addition to wearing down coats to battle the inside temp of 47 degrees, we have a fireplace downstairs. It is extremely inefficient at heating this big, old house, but it's better than nothing.

The real saving grace, though, is Rowan's room. The first few years living in this house, we discovered that that particular bedroom, with three exterior walls, was impossible to heat in the winter. So Dale installed a heater into the wall. Here is the sleeping arrangement:

I find it kind of funny that we all congregate to Rowan's room to seek relief from the cold. In the summertime, our bedroom is the only place in the house that has air conditioning. When the really hot spells hit, we all sleep in there, like weary little refugees.

1 comment:

  1. A few years ago when we were still living in W.Wa and went through one of the lovely wind storms that put us without power for over a week (which ment no heat). We had all the kids sleeping on our hidabed infront of our fireplace trying to keep them warm. It sucked!!! And baby slept between mom and dad. Not to self....when looking at homes with fireplaces/woodstove, make sure they actually do their job and heat a room instead of just looking nice....ugh. Wish you guys a quick fix!


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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.