Monday, July 7, 2008

Just For You, Mel

This morning at work I was chatting with Melissa and telling her about my bike ride yesterday (67 miles...wassup) when her eyes kind of glazed over with boredom and then she abruptly inturrupted me:

Mel: You need to ride less and blog more.

Me: I know! I was doing really good there for a while!

Mel: I am tired of seeing Lavendar and Lillies. And Kaylee has gotten behind on her blog, too.

Me: Well what do you want me to blog about? Not much is going on.

Mel: I don't know, I'll think of something.

So throughout the day I asked her if she came up with anything and she hadn't. Then I said I'd blog about my new North Face pants that I bought for the STP. With slight annoyance in her voice she said "But I already know about your North Face pants". Like, duh.

Well, I was flipping through some pics and look what I's
Melissa, looking like a sexy girlfriend.

But I am really excited about my new pants. Now, if you are brand savvy, you know that The North Face does not make bicyling clothes. But I like to be a little unconventional. Sorry, I took this in the mirror, so go ahead and read backwards.


  1. Ok, well first...thank you for a new blog. I really rely on this stuff for my stimulation. A 2 year old and a messy house just do NOT keep me busy enough. Second, sweet freakin pants- love them! Also, I would never speak to Jess with any annoyance in my voice regarding anything she had to say- right Jess?

  2. Oh, and p.s.

    Who's sexy girlfriend am I in that picture? Is it Marky-Mark? Pleeaase?

  3. No, we NEVER get annoyed with eachother at work. Love you.

  4. Actually, weren't you getting ready for the New Kids on the Block reunion tour in that picture?

  5. What the...? So I haven't been posting every single day. I have nothing to say. I'm boring as can be.
    Fine, you'll see what kind of blog you get when I have to force it.
    Ok, you're right. I've been bored to death in my blog reading too. I was about to write Jess an email. Enough with the Lavendar! And then I would have to write myself an email..."enough with the baby booties!"
    Alright, I'm workin on it, I'm workin' on it.....

  6. By the way...what's up with Marky-Mark? Did you and Justin Timberlake break up?


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.