Friday, January 1, 2010

Deep Conversations

Another post without pictures! No fun!

After eight years of marriage Dale and I still love to just sit and talk. We have deep, meaningful, communicative conversations where we share our innermost thoughts.

We've been watching this documentary that's been running as a series on TV about Mt. Everest, and they were showing the struggles of one particular mountaineer who had contracted a stomach bug. The following conversation insued over ice cream:

Dale: Wouldn't that suck to be so sick up on the mountain and you have no other choice but to shit yourself?

Me: Horrible. And let's face it. There aren't washers and dryers up there. Or showers.

D: Yeah, and those down suits cost like a thousand bucks.

Me: Poor guy. I wonder if the stains come out.

D: They probably wouldn't even let him on the plane back in Katmandu, he'd smell so bad.

J: Don't those climbers not shower for like three months as it is? I wonder if there's a maximum to how bad a person can smell. Like, does body odor cap out?

D: Yes. And I've smelled it. On the bus. It's like the worst combination of ass, balls, and onion.


  1. OMG - That last line is my favorite! Words that should be used again, in that order, for sure! :)

  2. Sounds like mine and Duffy's conversations. I think Dale summed it up well with the last comment though!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.