Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Site Meter

So I have this little thing on my blog called a site meter, which tells me, basically, the location of who's reading and when. I have figured out most of my readers, but a few have left me stumped. I am flattered, some of you are very faithful readers. So come out of hiding...leave a comment. Who are you? How did you find my blog? What keeps you coming back?

Who are my Portland and Seattle readers?
Spokane, WA
Hermiston, OR
Renton, WA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Come say hi!


  1. oh, so you figured out who wichita was huh? gosh, i figured nobody would know it was me way out here... :)

  2. Or as I like to call you, Kansas Rachel.

  3. Perhaps it is just me, bouncing around the country, reading your blog and trying to fool you. ;)

  4. OMG. I am like your biggest. fan. ever. ;)

  5. Yes...well, I can see how people are instantly sucked in, with my beauty and charisma...HA!!

  6. Hey there. One of them is me. After hearing you talking about your blog the last time I was in, I decided that I better start reading.

  7. Season!! I was like...Eddings? I didn't know you were a reader! Leave a comment sometime!

    Lindsey...soon to be from the big apple

  8. I'm Arlene in Des Moines, WA. I'm Jamie Gibeau's sister in law.

  9. Did you notice I checked your blog like 4 times today??? :) ha ha
    I feel myself starting to get slightly obsessed.
    ...back to rehab

  10. One is Kate from Bremerton, WA. She works with me.Kaylee is too funny!!!love, Mom

  11. Ok, so far none of the four I am the most curious about have fessed up...

    It's ok, Kaylee. If we can't hang out in real life, at least we have eachother's blogs to stalk!

  12. Beauty and charisma are good, but you can bike and read at the same time!


    I'd surely end up on my ass if I ever tried running/biking/eliptical-izing while reading.

  13. Hi Jessie - it's Kristi Gregory (used to be Ancock) from Renton. I saw your blog link on Melissa Moore's blog. I swear you must be superwoman - STP, marathons, raising great kids, working - how do you do it? =)

  14. Hey Kristi!! Great to hear from you. Don't give me too much credit...I pretty much stumble through life exhausted ;)

  15. Jess,
    From Hermiston, Oregon must be me. Tina (Best) Livingston - lost lost High Climber alum. We actually live about 20 miles from Hermiston, but our wireless provider is out of there. I have often wanted to ask the same question on my blog. I get some really strange ones sometimes that are from googl searches, but there's some repeat towns that I wonder if I really know people there or not. Anyway, I check on you and Dale periodically. Your kids are adorable, by the way!

  16. Hey Tina!! I had no idea it was you!! I am flattered you like my blog;)

    Now if only the reader from FL who checks in several times a day would come forward...

  17. Your mom quizzes me on your blog. Seriously. Make her reactivate her facebook!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.