Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Day in the Life

I usually don't blog if there isn't something fun or exciting write or pictures to share, but lately I've been I blog to entertain others or do I do it to journal my life? If it is the latter, then I think in 20 years I'd like to look back through this and see a little more of just my day-to-day life, not just the stuff I come up with to get a laugh out of my readers. ;)

Today was my day off, so I will actually write about yesterday, simply because it is more representative of my daily life.

Got up at 5:30. Showered, had some coffee while I put on my makeup and did my hair. Looked outside to see that it was snowing and wondered if any patients would cancel. Had breakfast of oatmeal mixed with craisins and mashed banana and cinnamon/nutmeg sprinkled on top. No sugar. Got my kids up, dressed, brushed teeth, and gave them their Flinstone's vitamins. I had one myself, along with a vit D tablet and a fish oil capsule.

Dropped the kids off at school (daycare, but we call it school), got to work. My 8:00 patient was really nice and an easy cleaning. At about 8:50 I radioed to Dr. B that I was ready for and exam, and when I looked at the schedule to see who my 9:00 patient was, I felt a little panic. This patient gets SO mad if you bring her back late. I begged Dr. to PLEASE come do my exam so I wouldn't run behind on the next patient, saving myself from being yelled at.

I brought my 9:00 patient back at (literally) 9:03. I could tell she was pissed by the way she answered fine without looking at me when I asked how she was doing. I cleaned her teeth in silence since she was obviously in no mood for conversation. It always amazes me that she acts this way...she is a nurse! As I sat there I took pride in the fact that I do not have that kind of anger or impatience towards those who provide me a service. Who wants to be the type that others dread working with?

My 10:00 patient was one of the other hygienists in the office. Since it had snowed that morning there were a few cancellations. There is no easier cleaning than that of a fellow hygienist.

My 11:00 patient was a 21-yr-old with severe gum disease. In cases like that I have to clean the teeth a quadrant at a time under local anesthesia, because the infection is so bad, inflammation so great, and bleeding so profuse that they cannot tolerate the procedure (scaling/root planing) without being numb. While I worked I tried my best to tactfully and respectfully educate her on the seriousness of her condition and to encourage her to care enough about herself to start brushing and flossing her teeth.

At lunch I went home, wolfed down some food, threw some stuff into the crock pot in the hopes it would turn out as chili, and headed back to work.

My first patient back from lunch was an older gentleman, very nice with good home care. After his cleaning he needed two fillings, so I got him numb (he complimented me that he didn't feel a thing!) and Dr. B came in to drill out the cavities. When that was done, I took back over and place one silver (amalgam) filling and one tooth-colored (resin) filling.

My last patient was a really nice gal who was my age, but we did not know each other from school. We chatted away as I worked. She was fun and a great patient to end the day with. When I asked her if the guy she is dating is from Shelton, she told me his name. I cracked up laughing. Oh my gosh! I said to her. He was my boyfriend in 7th grade...but we only lasted a week. He broke up with me because I was too afraid to kiss him. She laughed and said yep, that sounds like him. ;)

I left work and headed home. Dale and the kids were there, and they were eating the chili I had made. I was starved, and quickly ate a big bowl of it, followed by a protein bar. Then I had to leave again to go meet my friend Monica. We run together twice a week. We got through about 1/3 of our 5 miles when I told her that we had to stop or I would soon be wearing my chili down the front of my shirt (I don't usually eat dinner before we run). That was fine with her, and we walked the rest of our route. There is always plenty to talk about with Monica, and the conversation for the rest of the workout was about (what else?) food. Our favorite recipes, cravings, Rachel Ray, how hard it would be to be a contestant on Iron Chef, (broad topic, there's lots to say).

Got back home and helped Dale get the kids in their jammies, teeth brushed and fluoride given. Read them 2 books, tucked in and a million hugs and kisses given. I sat down and watched a few minutes of The Devil Wears Prada, decided I was cold and that a bath sounded good (as it does right now). As my bath filled up I aswered my emails. After my bath I brushed and flossed...crawled into bed exhausted but so thankful I didn't have to work the next day.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.