Monday, July 6, 2009

Gran Torino

Dale and I watched Gran Torino last night. I'd heard it was good, but I wasn't all gung-ho to see it. Most often when we watch movies at home I either 1)fall asleep 2)think about all the things I could be getting done, 3)get bored and daydream, or all three in order of 2, 3, and 1. So when Dale told me he'd brought this movie home I figured I'd stay up for the first few scenes, then be out for the night in no time.
It was a really, really good movie. I don't say that much, but I just really liked it. I even stayed up until midnight. On a worknight, nonetheless! You should see it...just not with your kids.


  1. I saw it too Jess. I also thought it was very good. Love Mom

  2. Norm & I saw it in the theatre right when it came out, and I loved it...but was super uncomfortable too!

    Can you imagine sitting next to someone who would obviously take offense to the things being said so frequently in that movie? Yikes.

    Very good though, very good.

  3. Such a great movie. I loved it as well. Great character for Clint Eastwood.


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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.