Thursday, July 23, 2009

Le Tour

I have hesitated to post this in fear of sounding like a total jock, but eh, what the heck.

I am totally into the Tour de France this year. We tivo it. I find my mind going there while I am at work. I wonder how today's time trials are going? I think to myself. I love the scenery, the insanely crazy fans, the crashes (Jens Voight...are you going to be ok?), the culture, the double kiss thing by the pretty girls at the podium (I want that job. Where do I sign up for that?), Bob Roll's whit, watching the domestiques do their jobs, the strategies, it's all good. Someday Dale and I will go to France to join the crazy fans in real life.

At first I was rooting for Mark Cavendish. I liked him, simply, because I thought he was cute. That's a good reason, right? But I was quickly turned off by his arrogance and immaturity. He even threw his bike once while having a little fit. Therefore, Dale and I gave him the nickname Pissy Pants. We'll be all "Oh, Pissy Pants can't even keep up with the pelaton on the mountain climbs, so sad..."

Then for a while Tyler Farrar was my man. He is from Wenatchee, and how can you not root for a guy from your home state?

Ultimately, though, I am a fan of Lance. He's just awesome. Just love the guy. Amazing.


  1. Ha! You are not alone. Justin and I love "Le Tour" as well! And I agree, Lance is awesome!

  2. I have been glued also! Lance is an inspiration and I love the way he competes with the "young bucks". Looking forward to Lance next year and also loving Levi Leipheimer! Both class acts!

  3. by the way, this is your mom's friend Karen Hunter :) Love, Love, Love you blog

  4. Hey Karen! I was thinking...who is Karen D?? I am flattered you like my blog!

  5. I don't understand why you are glued to the tour when you can be watching your husband ride his bike? I'm no "Pissy Pants" but come on. Dale

  6. Let me explain it this way Dale. Would you go eat the same DQ burger everyday, if you could have a Ritz burger? Okay then. Your mother-in-law.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.