Friday, July 17, 2009

Facebook Schmacebook part II

Ok, so, like, just a few minutes ago I sat down at the computer and I noticed a new icon on our desktop that pretty much made me stop dead in my tracks:

Do you see it?

Dale was taking a bath next to me (yes, our computer is next to our's really quite strange) and I whipped my head around and was like "Honey...You joined FACEBOOK????"

My husband...the one that thinks I am addicted to the internet. The one that has a gazillion better things to do than sit at the computer. The one that reads my blog only every 4-6 weeks, if even. The one that thinks iPhones are completely unnecessary. My husband has joined Facebook.

When I asked why he gave a nonchalant "Thought it'd be a fun thing to do..."
Then said "I wonder why Lance Armstrong wasn't waiting for me to be his friend?"

I looked at his site. He already has friends and pictures and comments and everything. I must admit, I am kinda proud of my boy (but feel a little left out).

My friends (Amy...Kaylee...Courtney...) will be happy to hear that this takes me one step (albeit a baby step) closer to overcoming my disease of Facebook Resistance.


  1. OK, so let me add even more funny up on my Facebook (which BTW add me to the "Jess should join FB" list, I want you to join too) everyday pops up people who FB suggests you ask as friends (you will understand after you join :) and up pops Jessie Ackley (NO JOKE!!!!) So, I asked (what I presumed to be you) to be my friend and in my note to "said Jessie" - I said, "Facebook Schmacebook huh??"....understandably I have yet to hear from this Jessie (who most likely thinks I am some crazy from Olympia...oh, well, funny though) JOIN GIRL, JOIN (I am going to add Dale right now!)

  2. And you joining will also help "the other Jessie" realize that maybe I am not a crazy :) So now, I have a plight here...I did pause before asking this "Jessie" as I wasn't sure if you would put Jessie - but what's the chances?? If you look your name up...there are a lot of "you" :)

  3. Perhaps you didn't know that Erin recently joined as well. If she joined, I figure you're right around the corner.

    Excuse me, I have to go make Dale my friend now.

    :) ha ha

  4. You should feel left out! You're missing all the silly little things your friends post and say! :)
    Sure, it's addicting, sure, it sucks away your time, sure, it keeps you off task. . . but who cares?!
    I NEED to know that Kaylee has laundry to get done, that Jenny has locked herself in the bathroom to escape her kids and that Leslee was super successful at the Farmer's Market!
    We all get to see what you're up to with your fabulous blog (and I do love reading your blog) but don't you want to know what your other, non-blogging, friends are up to?!
    Just do it already!
    Love, Amy

  5. It's true. I'm even taking the Face Book quizzes now. I'm starting FB therapy next week. Help me I'm becoming an internet freak!!!! Next I will have a blog site. :)


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.