Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

Did you know that as I type this, there is a lunar eclipse occuring? I was just outside, braving the cold, to get some good shots. I had my tripod set up in the middle of the street, which I'm sure made the neighbors think There goes that crazy girl with her camera again.
I didn't think I'd actually gotten any good shots when I was outside, because I was having trouble finding the right aperture and shutter speed. But after pulling them up on the computer, I was happy to see there were a few decent shots. I liked this one the best.


  1. Wow! That is a good one. Joanna called me a bit ago and said, "isn't it beautiful??" Who would have thought that in Arizona it would be too cloudy to see!! :( Fortunately, a little while later the clouds had blown away enough to see it, but the moon is much higher in the sky now. Awesome picture. Glad to know I wasn't the only crazy one running into the street trying to look at the moon! I knew we were alike. ;)

  2. Arizona gets clouds?! haha...miss you.

    Yes, we are alike. Remember we bought the same wedding dress?

  3. Awesome picture! you should submit that somewhere.

  4. Ah, Stacy, you give me too much credit...


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.