Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Update: Rowan's Eating Habits

Thank you for all the tips to getting my little guy to eat better. I also talked to the kids' new daycare lady (whom I adore) and her reply was "Well, he won't starve to death." So utimately, Dale and I have decided that if Rowan chooses not to eat what we give him, then he chooses not to eat. Period.


I plan to be the strict rule enforcer just as soon as Rowan starts feeling better. I got a call around noon today from daycare saying he had a fever. I went and picked him up then took him right over to our doctor. After the doctor looked in his ears, he went strait to his prescription pad and started writing. "Which one?" I asked, meaning which ear had an infection- considering I was just in that exact same exam room just two days prior with Bella's left side ear infection- the doctor gave me kind of a sad-eye look and said "both."

So, needless to say, Rowan got his favorite scrambled eggs dinner tonight. I am such a softee when my kids are sick.

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.