Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hernia...Back So Soon?

If you follow my blog, you know that I had hernia surgery a while back. One month today, to be exact.

My surgery failed.

Yep...I have to go back in for surgery for some stronger reinforcements. I'll probably do it in November. My surgeon is going to assess it in two weeks since I am not fully healed from the FIRST surgery.

I'm not mad about it. I know my surgeon did his best. Sometimes things just don't always work out as planned. Such is life in health care.

I am actually kind of excited to have another operation, considering I suffer from Munchausen Syndrome. I am totally kidding.


  1. Remember a long time ago when I told you that I would help you again any time you were puking your guts out in the parking lot at the hospital? Oh wait, that was just 3 weeks ago! I can only hope that I will be there again to assist you if you have another puking frenzy in the parking lot. You know I wouldn't miss it for the world!!! I'm sure it will go better with round two. Although there is that whole 3rd times a charm saying. I'll keep my fingers crossed that isn't the case here!! :)

  2. that sucks. i'm sorry. i hope that doesn't happen to sammy.

  3. Now who's blogging eh? Update! I'm out blogging you sista!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.