Sunday, December 14, 2008


It is FER-REEZ-ZING here. It snowed all day today. It is 27 degrees out, but pretty breezy so it feels even colder. Of course it didn't stop the kids from wanting to be out playing in it.

Here's Bella

Oh! Check this out. I used my macro lens and got this shot of a snowflake. It was really tiny- about 1/8 of an inch. This is on the hood of my car, in the dark, with Dale holding a flashlight. Pretty difficult shot. Crazy, huh?

I wonder if they'll cancel work tomorrow..........


  1. Omg that is an awesome pic of the snow flake and of course your daughter to, but wow is all I could say when I looked at that pic.

  2. oh my gosh, i wish i was in washington where it is 27 degrees out. right now, here in wichita, it's a whopping 5 degrees out, but thanks to the wind blowing, the wind chill makes it feel like it's about -13, that's right, negative 13. :) today's high is suppose to be 19. i think i am going to stay inside all day and sit by the fire.

    and i love your snowflake. :)

  3. That is an amazing picture! You take such beautiful shots! You really need to start up your photography business! Then you could advertise in Missy's store in Olympia. It would be a win win for both of you! Anyway, just a thought! Take care!

  4. Bella is beautiful. The snow is too.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.