Monday, January 12, 2009

The Bug Makes It's Rounds

I am home today with a sick baby. Honestly, I'd have thought Rowan would have caught the bug earlier than this. I was sick a few days before Christmas, and then Bella woke up sick Christmas morning (poor baby, opened presents with a 102.3 fever...only slowed her down a little), and now Rowan. It sucks.

What is it about January that gives me the blogging blahs? I remember this happened last year, too. It's like A) not much is going on, and B) blogging for some reason just feels like a huge chore. Do any other of my bloggers out there feel this way?

I am trying to come up with something blog worthy to excite my five readers...

Oh! My new year's resolution was to give up refined sugars/sweets/candy. The sad part is that I realized at 11:55pm on new year's eve that I hadn't made one resolution. This one came to mind real quick, which meant I didn't have time for one last candy frolic. It's been 12 days so far and I haven't cheated. This is quite an accomplishment for me, since my sweet tooth is stronger than Willie Nelson's craving for pot.

Also, my friend Courtney talked me into registering for a half marathon. This isn't the Nike Women's, which we didn't get a spot in last year (but will try again). This one is in June, in Seattle. It is two weeks before the STP. To answer your question, I don't know what I am thinking. Someone needs to save me from myself.

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About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.