Monday, January 5, 2009

For You, Jamie

Christmas is long over but the war wages on.

Ok..........Jamie..........I did think of you yesterday as I took down our Christmas tree. After all the beautiful decorations and lights were removed and stored neatly back in their boxes and placed in The Dungeon (our affectionate term for our storage room (yes, we name the rooms in our house)) I drug the tree through the living room, down the hall, and out onto the porch. As I looked at the thick trail of 986,794,857,892,734,372,478,753,875 dried needles the tree left in my house, for a breif nanosecond I thought to myself Man, those artificial tree people know what's up! Then I snapped back to reality. No self respecting Western Washingtonian owns an artificial tree!! That's as bad as owning an umbrella. It's ok though, Jamie. I know you are not native to our part of the country.

Therefore I proudly promote you to Head Counselor of Camp Artifical Tree.

By the way...Minnesota called. They'd like their weather back.

Love you.


  1. I am laughing so hard right now I can barely type ... :). Thanks for the promotion :) also, although a MN native, I told my relatives they can take their weather back... We moved far away from this "snow" crap (I threw a 3 year old fit when it started again last nite...lotsa jumping up and down, flailing my arms with a high pitch "no" only audible to dogs; must of worked as it was gone here by morning). :) hope to see you soon!!

  2. That is hilarious! :) I too, thought of Jamie last night when I stripped my frasier fir of both ornaments and most of its dead needles. I found myself chuckling at the thought of my tree feeling tortured in any way. After all, that tree got more love and affection in its short little life than it would have other wise. It was probably grateful to grace my home with its natural beauty for the past 7 weeks. Haven't you guys heard the Christmas song "I'm the Happiest Christmas Tree"? Let me sing a little for you...
    I'm the happiest Christmas Tree
    Ho, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
    Someone came and paid for me
    And took me home with them.

    Oh, I'm the happiest Chrsitmas Tree
    Ho, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee
    Look how pretty they dressed me
    Oh, lucky, lucky me!

  3. As the head, and possibly only official member until now, of the “Anti-Fake-Tree Organization,” I'm glad to know that I have an opposing party out there that is totally against my point of view. What would life be like without the “Camp Artificial Tree” group? It’s like team Edward and team Jacob. Without the opposite points of view there is no drama, nothing to discuss, quite frankly it makes life boring! I hereby induct Jessie and Kaylee into the “Anti-Fake-Tree Organization.” You know that I too still love you, Jamie, and I also thought of you while dragging my tree out for the curb side for pick up. This year for an added bonus we had to cut it into 3-foot sections. My husband was really loving that one. Perhaps he may join your team! I’m just curious do you have any members, and if so who are they? Hope you are all having a great beginning to the year of 2009! Take care, Erin

  4. Oh my dear friends, so glad you thought of me while disposing of your formerly "real" trees...Kaylee, I am so glad my tree's live cousin was happy in you home :) Erin, my tree just cringed at the thought of being cut up as you await the trash day :) and yes, I have several members... I work with most of them but your Dad takes my "realtor" theory away...hmmm, maybe a South Olympia thing :) so glad we have this friendly banter... I love you guys and am glad we are able to accept our differences (even with mine being better & saving a tree ;)!! Happy New Year!!

  5. Oh, Erin. Thanks for the invitation. I would love to join the club. I am very ANTI fake trees. :) I have to say, having a real tree was helpful this year as my kids almost refused to let me take it down. Had it been fake I would have had no excuse. My tree could have stayed up all year. Phew! Glad I killed a tree in my house.


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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.