But just who are these people? Let me explain...follow closely. I hope I get all of the details right. I am very close friends with Courtney and Jared, who are siblings. Years ago, when they were both still in MD and Jared was in high school, he dated a girl named Meg. One day, Courtney went to Meg's house and met eyes with Meg's older brother, Mike, and it was love at first sight. Through time, Jared and Meg went their separate ways, while Courtney and Mike remained an item. Years go by. Jared moves to Texas, meets a wonderful girl, and gets married. We are all very happy for him. Courtney and Mike are engaged. They come out to Seattle in June of this year and I shoot their engagement photos. The next day, Courtney, myself, and Mike and Meg's other sibling, Liz (who coincidentally lives in Seattle -lost yet?) run a half marathon together. Courtney and Mike fly home to Maryland. They show their engagement photos to Meg (who is, at this point, engaged to a wonderful man named Kail) and she loves them. "Do you think she will come out here to photograph my wedding?", she asks Courtney. Courtney asks me. I say yes.
Meg picked me up Friday morning at the airport after my Thursday night red eye. I was pretty tired, but it was no biggie. We spent all day Friday together and I helped her with errands and loose ends. After a few hours, I felt like we'd known each other for years! We had a great time together.
We attended the rehearsal dinner that night, and by the time Courtney and I got back to the hotel...it was midnight. Not a big deal, except that the next day's wedding was going to be held the next morning at 9:30...which meant that we had to be ready to go and leaving for the venue by 7:30...Boy was I tired!
I do have a point, though. Shooting a wedding while exhausted, for me, is a good thing. I cannot be nervous and tired at the same time. Also, I tend to be more creative when I am really tired. I think it's because I just "go with it" and don't over analyze much.
I also had the privilege to shoot with another up-and-coming photographer named Brad. Brad is a law student living in Chicago (his school is right on Michigan Avenue. How cool is that??) I am excited to see the images he captured of the day. Check him out at Bybrad.blogspot.com
One more thing~ I finally figured out how to make templates in photoshop (Amy will be so proud!) Please forgive me for going a little overboard here.
I'll shut up now and share a few of my very favorites of the big day.

With the wedding being held in the morning, breakfast was served at the reception.

I love this one.

I could have watched these two dance all day long. I loved how her dress flowed.

This was the flower girl's idea. How cute!!

A little story about these next two pics: Meg wanted an image of the two of them walking away, where she is just walking and he is clicking his heels together in the air (you know, leprechaun-style). We tried this over and over and when I flipped through the images on my LCD screen, I started laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. Kail's friend's came and looked over my shoulder and were all "Dude! It looks like you are being hit by an invisible truck!"

Meg and Kail, Thank you for choosing me to capture your day. I wish you a lifetime of happiness together!
Yea for photoshop templates! Looking good Jessie!