Thursday, October 15, 2009

Will I Stop at Nothing for a Little Attention?

*disclaimer* Yes I am one of those people who all they talk about is their various ailments. You've been warned.

Note to any doctor who's care I may be under at any point in the future: Run. Hide. You do not want me as your patient. Because nothing for me, medical wise, is ever normal. Ever.

A week ago today I had my hernia surgery (remember the hernia that just wouldn't stay away?). Thursday and Friday I was in a lot of pain. Throughout the weekend I was feeling pretty good. Monday I felt back to my old self, put some makeup on, went to the grocery store, and even thought about going back to work ahead of schedule. That night, though, I was in a lot of pain. I attributed it to doing too much, too soon. The next day...still pain. That night...the pain was almost unbearable. Much worse than the moment I came out of surgery.

So off to the ER I went...And here I will give you the condensed version: I was poked and prodded and CT scanned, then admitted, given a NG tube (OMG have you ever had one of those? Good times!) I asked my RN friend Erin if she has to place those (yes). Then I joked with her that they'd make a good interrogation tactic. "Hey Enemy! Tell us the location of your headquarters! If not I will shove this tube up your nose and down your throat into your stomach all while you are awake!"

I got home from the hospital last night. The source of my pain is still a big fat mystery, BUT it is getting better, so that's a good thing! :)

On a serious any moment I even started to feel whiny, I reminded myself of what Jordanne Gerbing is going through and remeber that my problems pale in comparison. Her bravery is inspiring.


  1. I'm glad to hear you are home. I hope you will be feeling better soon.

  2. I'm glad you are finally feeling better. It was quite the ordeal and hopefully you won't have to visit CMC anytime again soon!

  3. Yikes! Sounds like you've had a rough couple of weeks & that hernia sounds like a real pain in the ass! The worst part of it is when you know you're experiencing pain & no one can figure out the source.
    Take care of yourself!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.