Friday, September 12, 2008

Doing Great!

I checked into the hospital yesterday at 10:30am and right away they put me into a gown, stuck in an IV, then I waited on a stretcher in a little windowless, TV less, pre-op room until....3:00!! Thank God Dale was with me or I believe I would have died of boredom. Oh, and I had the WORST headache because I hadn't been able to eat, drink, or have any beloved coffee since the night before!!

I had begged Erin to be my OR nurse, but she was working in a different area of the hospital and told me there was no way she could do that or even come and see me. I was bummed. But while I was waiting in pre-op, trying to take a little snooze, I here a familiar voice come into my room and announce "WHAT IS UP??!!" Yeah!! It was Erin!

Since we thought I'd have a morning surgery but ended up with an afternoon surgery, Dale had to leave and go pick up our kids from daycare. It worked out ok, since Erin had ended her shift and had offered to drive me back to Shelton. Having your own personal nurse to drive you home...The service doesn't get any better than that!

The surgery went fine and I felt great. They wheeled me back to my pre-op room to let me recover and I had Erin right at my side. I was able to get up and get dressed, but just after I got my shoes on I was instantly dizzy, white, and sweaty. They immediately made me lay right down again for another hour or so. I felt better again and said I felt fine to go home, so my nurse wheeled me outside to Erin's car...right when we got there I...let's just say I put that puke basin to good work!!
So then the nurse wheeled me back inside to my little room that I had I had grown so familiar with to recover for a bit longer. My surgeon popped in and offered an overnight stay in the hospital, which I was like No Way! I kept having to apologize to Erin for having to watch me puke. I mean she didn't even flinch! She kept saying that she watches people puke all the time and would rather see that than needles any day. She's talking crazy, there!! Not me!! I could give shots all day! I hate puke!

So finally at 7:00 I made it home and was able to take some vicodin and eat some dinner and felt really good...until a few hours later I was hugging the porcelain God, as they say!

Erin- I can't thank you enough for taking care of me!! You're the best!


  1. So glad you are doing well...was thinking about ya! Hope the recovery is quick...and then onto "other" things! :)

  2. Anytime my friend, anytime. Although remember it's not needles that bother me now, it is spit and respiratory secretions. NASTY!!!! Not my cup of tea. I could never be a respiratory therapist. I'm glad you are doing so well. I knew you would, more importantly I'm glad you were puking up milkshake and not Turkey Burgers. I know that they say you can eat anything, but I'm pretty certain that milkshake must taste better coming up than a Turkey Burger. Isn't this just a wonderfully graphic comment? Hope no one reading this is eating right now, and if so I apologize. Erin

  3. Yes, Erin, the chocolate ice cream wasn't too bad as it flew out of my mouth and into the toilet. And the watermelon chunks gave it some nice texture.

    Thanks for cleaning out my puke bowl #1 when technically you weren't even working. What a friend...what a friend...

  4. OH, and sorry for not having my facts strait as to what grosses you out most as a nurse. That whole afternoon is pretty patchy.

  5. Yes, I'm totally aware that your afternoon was quite foggy. Your lovely comment to your recovery room nurse is priceless!!!! Let me just say I have never witnessed someone turning from slightly pale to ghostly white that quickly. If your vomiting would have been more projectile combined with your ghostly skin tones it would have almost been exorcist like. Oh well we will just have to save that for next time you have surgery being that your surgeon informed you that it may happen again!!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed you won’t, but if that day should come I will be happy to hold your hair up once again. Erin


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.