Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From Phoenix to Phoenixville...Good Luck, Kaylee!

What's this? A new post? Try not to fall off your chairs.

I worked late last night and once I finally got out of the office I met up with Kaylee to say goodbye yet again. She was in town for about a nanosecond before she moves, as crazy as it sounds, from Phoenix, Arizona to Phoenixville, Pennsylvania.

Here's a picture of us gals...after a few Gin & Tonics our cheeks were a little rosy!

So that's me, Kaylee, Kaylee's sister Jojee (Joanna), our friend Amy, and Kaylee's sister Rachel (preg with a baby girl!)


  1. Looks like so much fun! (And, you know I love the sweater Jess). I haven't seen Joanna in forever, and she looks so pretty. Not that everyone didn't look fabulous, everyone is fabulous. Mmm, Gin & Tonic. Is that the Loft @ Stevens?


    P.s. Thanks for the post, I've surrendered to loving anything new, even if it's only about lavender or lillies or something of that nature.

  2. Love it! We look damn hot if I do say so myself :).
    Didn't we have "vodka" tonics? Hmmmmm, am I forgetting something??? :)
    Glad we could hang out for a nano-second!

  3. Mel- Did you have to pick yourself up off the floor when you realized I finally posted?? I even posted two in one night...just for you! Hey, get yourself one of those sweaters, but get a different color so we can borrow eachothers. Yes, it is the Loft at Steven's. You know your local bars!!

    Kaylee- Were they vodka tonics?? Man...I musta had one too many. See you November-ish!

  4. I had so much fun this night! I think drinks and Steven's should become a regular thing. :)

  5. Oh - Coop is me - AMY. :) Guess my husband was logged in first on this computer!

  6. wish i could of had one of those gin and tonics, or vodka tonics, or whatever you guys were drinking. my water was just plain boring. :)


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.