Sunday, September 21, 2008

Little Gumby Faces

Once again, Dale and I exploit our children for our own selfish entertainment. Here's what we did around the dinner table last night:

Now before you go and call CPS on us...Look! They're happy kids!


  1. Holy crap - that is so freakin funny! I love it!

  2. I have actual tears on my face right now I'm laughing so hard. I'm glad Matt and I aren't the only ones that do crazy things like this. Our recent one was with the video camera and we would give the kids each 10 seconds to grab a toy and advertise it. The comments they made were priceless, just like the photos you have here. LOVE IT!!!! Erin

  3. Hello,

    My name is Moyra. I am with child protective services, and we would love to make a trip to your home, just to have a looksie. While it appears that you have a happy family, we really do have to check all instances of facial crushing in children under 5.

    Just Kidding, we all smoosh our kids' faces in to make our dinner more amusing.


  4. Moyra?? Where the heck does that name come from?


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.