Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bella's Teeth Cleaning

Bella got her teeth cleaned today! She was actually wayyyyy overdue, 7 months to be exact. Who is that mother of hers??! Rowan was also scheduled for his cleaning, also, but we were running behind at the office and I ended up only having time to get Bella's done.

She did great and was not quite as leary of Dr. Bowers today. She actually let him take a look at her teeth this time.

Nice and clean with no cavities! Thank you fluoride!

Even at my day job I get to play photographer sometimes.

My audience

Rowan was so disappointed that he didn't get his teeth cleaned today. "My turn?" he asked about 50 times while Bella was in the chair. We let him get up into the chair while we waited for Dr. Bowers to come in.

Dr. Bowers confirmed...no cavities!

1 comment:

  1. HOW does she do that... with her tongue around her 2 front teeth. Hysterical!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.