Wednesday, May 20, 2009

1 Jeep, 2 Jeep, Red Jeep, Blue Jeep

About a month ago, my husband treated himself to a new jeep. This is his third one. I am not sure why he is so fascinated by them. When we first started dating, he had a red jeep Cherokee. Then, the day I passed the licensing boards, he announced he was going to upgrade to a black Wrangler (I thought to myself, I pass the boards and you get a new car? Something's not right here.)

So he trades in the old black jeep for a new black jeep. I've driven it once...I was pretty hard on the clutch (haven't driven a stick since the college days so I'm pretty rusty). Bella is having a hard time accepting that the old jeep is gone. She says she misses it, asks if we can go visit it...kinda sad.


  1. You're too funny Jess! I so enjoyed you and the Coopers yesterday at Career Day. What neat people they are. Thanks again for coming.
    I remember when I was little and we sold a car, I would cry for days. They become part of the family. Love you, Mom

  2. We bought the same jeep a year ago! Of course it is white. But we love it! I hope he likes it! It's so easy to get the kids into, compared to the 2 door model.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.