Saturday, May 30, 2009

My 7K

I remember asking my friend Courtney once what the hardest part about running a marathon was. "The first mile", she said without hesitation.

I had to keep reminding myself of this as I ran a 7K this morning...but before I get into that, there is something I don't get. It was a 7 mile run. But they refer to it as a 7K. Basic math tells me that 1 mile does not equal 1 kilometer, because
1 kilometer < 1 mile, so maybe this post should have been titled My 7 Mile.

So the hardest part was the first mile. It was early, cold, and I just couldn't really find my "groove". It did get better, and I actually kind of zoned out towards the end and I felt like I could have just kept going and going. I summarized my experience in this little graph:

Our good friends from Pennsylvania-now-Seattle, Chris and Jennifer, and their 3 kids came and spent the weekend with us. Chris did the run with us while Jen stayed back at our house and took care of the 5 kids (which is harder? Debatable.) Here is a pic of Chris and Dale and I.

Here is Dale about to cross the finish line. He was laughing at his hair in this picture.

I just crossed the finish line in this pic.


  1. You are such an inspiration!!! Way to go. Thank goodness for the MP3 players at least they provide some sort of distraction. Chris hasn't changed a bit! Glad you weren't in total misery the entire time! Talk soon, Erin

  2. Whoo Hoo! Nice work. I totally agree with your chart.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.