Wednesday, May 13, 2009

KansasRachel and TahoeRachel

I have two good friends named Rachel. They are both bloggers and both comment on my blog fairly often. One of them lives in Lake Tahoe and the other in Kansas. The problem, you guys, is that I never know which Rachel leaves the comment since it just says 'Rachel'. They even have similar personalities! So, Rachels, you have to tell me if you are KansasRachel or TahoeRachel.

BTW...KansasRachel...I know that last one was from you. The tornado reference gave it away.

Miss you guys both.


  1. you know, i've seen some of those comments from the "other" rachel and i've gotten confused wondering if maybe i left that comment and just forgot or if there was another rachel out there, or maybe if someone was just posin' as me. i mean i am pretty cool, people do want to be like me.

    rachel (as in, kaylee's little sister, just in case you forget which rachel actually lives in kansas.)



About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.