Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mikey Jr.

My husband's boss, Mike, is one of the funniest people I know. He named his dog after (who else?) himself. Mikey Jr. is an English Bulldog, and Mike brought him over recently for a photo shoot. There are a few things about Mikey Jr. that I know for certain:

1. He is always moving.
2. His tongue is always hanging out of his mouth.
3. He scares the living daylights out of my children.

When Mike and his son first arrived, we took a few shots in the house...but my kids simply couldn't handle it. They were screaming/crying/shaking/inconsolable if Mikey Jr. was within 20 feet of them. They've never spent much time around dogs before, and the only preparation I gave them was "There's a puppy coming over, guys! He'll be here any minute!" As you will see, he is not a puppy, and in fact is quite big for a bulldog. I didn't intentionally mislead my kids, really. Now they are facing years of therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Check them out:

Now here are some of my favorites from the shoot.


  1. oh my gosh! This is maybe your funnies post yet! Your kids, the dog....hilarious!!!! :)

  2. these. . .are. . . fabulous.
    So funny!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.