Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Creative Husband

My husband is very talented and artistic (he really is). Right now as I write this he is laying on our bed, watching a movie, and (I thought) eating a bowl of pretzels. Just eating them. I was wrong. Being the creative and ever-so-deep-thinker that he is, he just informed me that he discovered you can make any letter in the alphabet out of a pretzel, and just look at his masterpiece. I attempted our last name, but I spelled it wrong.


  1. Your blogs always make me laugh out loud! I'm sorry you are so challenged. Impressive use of pretzels by the way.

  2. Sorry dude! That comment was not from Rand, but I was accidently signed in as him. I bet you were like, "What the...? Rand wrote me a message?" He doesn't even write me messages so don't feel bad.
    Anyway, the above was from me! :) case you forgot how to spell it.

  3. Kaeley-

    I know I was like Rand reads my blog too??

  4. I'm so jealous!! I wish I could figure things like that. I guess you guys are just that awesome.


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.