Sunday, May 4, 2008

My First Olympia Ride

So this morning, Dale comes to me with a (his words) GREAT idea, he says, and clasps his hands together like a football coach. "You need to do an Olympia-and-back." Now most of you readers out there know we are riding the STP in July and have been training, pretty much everyday, for it. Let me share a bit of myself here...I am a big old weenie/scaredy cat. I like to train A) on my bike trainer in the comfort and safety of my own home, and B) the Chehalis Western Trail where it is safe and flat with no cars threatening your life. I reminded Dale of this. He was like "Do you think they are closing down 204 miles of road so 9000 bicyclists can ride without the inconvenience of sharing the road with cars? No siree. You need to get out there and get some highway miles and hills under your belt. Trust me, you'll be fine." Ugh. He's always forcing me out of my comfort zone. (By the way honey, thank you pushing me to grow. I don't tell you that, and I know you don't read my blog, but either way, thanks.)

So I got my gear on while Dale gave me a little pep talk:
"There are going to be several big long hills that are going to be a b*tch. Remember to downshift before the hill gets hard because that's how you've been popping your chain off. If the hills get too hard, don't forget to stand up and ride. Your butt will get a rest. If all else fails, shift down to first and just keep going.
Careful on off and on ramps and hug the white line on bridges where there is no shoulder. Cars will give you space. They don't want to run you over either. I put your cell phone in the side pocket of your Camelbak and your ID in the other pocket...just in case."

Off I went down Hwy 101 with a bunch of crazy 70mph drivers. I decided, before I even put on my helmet, that no matter what, I would not stop and rest or (even worse) walk my bike. For the most part the ride was fairly uneventful. The big long hills were definitely hard, but I would downshift, ride some, stand and ride, downshift even more, ride, stand and ride, and when I got really tired I would count to 100. What happened at 100? Nothing, I'd just start back at 1. When I reached Olympia I was re-motivated because I was at the half way point and was still alive and well.
The ride back seemed way harder, because I was getting pretty tired. A car passed me that looked just like my sister's car, and I wondered if it was her.

I am proud to say, though, that I never had to stop and rest or walk my bike. It ended up being not as hard as I thought it would be. Looks like all my 5am rides are paying off. I tend to build things up in my mind, and I was pleasantly surprised. I believe I am capable of a lot more than I give myself credit for.

I hadn't been home five minutes when my mom called. "Was that you riding your bike on the FREEWAY???!"...Yes, mom..."Oh Jess you scare me to death, you know?

We gotta love our mamas.


  1. That is so sweet! Awesome job..again. Didn't I just say that yesterday? If I move back I'm getting a bike so I can ride with you!

  2. Ok, Kaylee, I am going to hold you to it!

  3. WHOA! That is awesome! I couldn't do that if I tried...ok, maybe I would need to try but I like to think that I couldn't so that I am not too motivated...I need to get out there and start walking again -maybe if I get some sleep that will all sound better :) Great job! See you soon!

  4. You scare me to death too! Nice job, though.

  5. You are awesome and that is all I'm going to say!!! Erin

  6. WOW -- I'm impressed. Did you do all by yourself?? Kudos to you -- I think I would have came up with some excuse of why I wouldn't be able to pull it off.
    By the way, I have some new friends that are riding the STP too.

  7. jessie you are such a girly girl....cute clothes, cute hair, cute smile, cute cute cute and you are such a jock! you inspire me!
    hugs to you....and be scare me to death too!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.