Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My Siblings

I know I talk a lot about my kiddos on my blog, and lots about my hubby, and I mention my friends often too. I realized it is time to shine some light on two of my very favorite people in the whole wide brother and sister.

I love them very much. We don't say it much in my family (as is the often the case in families). They are just the greatest. We don't get to spend as much time together as we wish we could, but when we do, we pretty much spend the whole time laughing.

Jenny is 33 and one of the funniest people I know. I call her Jenn. She is also intelligent and beautiful. Growing up, we fought ALL the time. We would literally duke it out on a daily basis, with my mom in the background like all "Can't you guys get along?!" People would say, "Oh, you just wait! You guys are going to be so close!" and I remember thinking...never.
But we totally are!

Eric is 25 and I call him EZ, which evolved from Easy-E, which came from where? I don't even know. When we see eachother, our greeting is always a drawn out "Yyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooo!" Eric is also hilarious (perhaps humor was a survival tactic in our family?) and creative and gets along with everyone. I don't think we've ever had a fight!

Here's a quick photo we shot over the weekend.


  1. That's the nicest thing I've ever read. It totally made me cry. I feel the exact same way about you two. One of the girls at work said the other day that I am lucky to have you and Eric as siblings. Love you both Jess and Eric!

  2. You guys are all so pretty! What a great looking clan.

  3. I said aaaawwww when I saw the picture and it is such a great shot...and whoever the anonymous person is, is right you are all so pretty, sorry eric and handsome!

  4. GREAT PHOTO! Great entry as well! See you soon!


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.