Monday, August 18, 2008

We'll Miss You, Melissa!

My awesomely great and hilarious friend and co-worker of three years, Melissa, has taken a new job. I am so bummed!! Today was the first official workday without her. It was boring and lonely. It's understandable why Melissa had to leave. Her new dental office is less than a mile from her house, with her new daycare in between. She was commuting 40 minutes one way to our office and with crazy gas prices it was a no-brainer when she was offered her new job.

Melissa is one of the funniest people I have ever met. She and I had a unique relationship with our boss. Behind the scenes (when we didn't have to be professional in front of patients), the three of us would just totally make fun of each other. Mostly it was me and Mel ganging up on Dr. Bowers. Today he and I were standing in the sterilization room when out of the blue I told him that it's no longer fun to tease him without Melissa being there to laugh.

I am going to miss you so much, Mel. Best of luck to you. Dr. Russell doesn't even realize it yet, but he's got a real gem on his hands!

Mel's last time doing what she did best...hanging out in the break room.

Mel and Dr. B.

Good Luck!! We miss you already!!

This is the card that Melissa gave me at the end of the day on Friday. I was shocked. We have always had a really great friendship, but I had NO idea that this was what she thought of me. I got choked up as I read it. What an amazing friend she is!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post Jessica, and for capturing me in my natural habitat (the breakroom)! It was my fave place in the whole office. Let's hope my new office group sees me as the real gem that I cleary am. Like Gem the rockstar from the old school cartoon right? Love it.

    Miss you, and everything, and I'm only in Olympia! What would we do if I had to move out of state or something!?

    I'd probably just die.

    See you next Tuesday morning for our coffee date. Also, let's get planning for that movie before it's out of theatres..... =)


About Me

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Age 32. Mom, wife, smart aleck.